What is the Model United Nations (MUN)
The Model United Nations is a mock-up of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students assume the role of an individual country’s ambassador and debate topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more.
Model UN clubs have first started appearing in schools and universities over 60 years ago and continue to be popular among students today. At Garden we place great importance upon clubs such as MUN as they develop soft skills, such as leadership, critical thinking, public speaking and teamwork.
Model United Nations at Garden
Model United Nations (MUN) provides students with an opportunity to investigate contemporary real-world problems that are being discussed at the United Nations by delegates from around the world. Ranging from the Security Council to the Human Rights Committee, looking at themes such as territorial claims to refugee crises.
Students at our school do this as part of an extra-curricular activity and attend conferences both in Bangkok and beyond. The skills used in the preparation and debates allow students to develop their own understanding of global issues in conjunction with the different perspectives which exist. Students are also able to enhance their public speaking skills along with their ability to negotiate on behalf of their assigned country.
In 2018, our school hosted its first ever MUN conference, and it was a huge success. Discussions included how to prevent radicalism, how to counter the international wage gap and the effect of ocean pollution.
The GISMUN Secretariat Team
Each year the GISMUN selects a group of students to form the Secretariat Team. The students take on the following roles Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Parliamentarian, Chancellor and Secretary of the planning Committee.
We hope to hold MUN conferences at GIS again in the future. For more information, please contact [email protected].