The Arts at Garden

At Garden, we provide our students with rich and diverse opportunities in the arts

At Garden, we provide our students with rich and diverse opportunities in the arts.

Students who frequently and actively participate in the Arts have been shown to be more academically engaged because they are able to make stronger connections in their learning. The arts teach students to discipline their motor coordination, listen, observe, empathise, communicate, persuade, and become independent thinkers.

At GIS, our students are encouraged to take risks in performance and innovation.

Annual Events

Each year, the Arts Department at Garden host several events. Typically: 

  • Primary and Secondary production 
  • Christmas Fair and Concert
  • Big Art Activities
  • International Day.
  • IB Visual Art and Design Exhibition.
  • IB Visual Art Exhibition Gala and Senior Recital.
  • LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) Examinations.
  • MAD (Music, Art and Drama) Night.

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